Saturday Sale Bill
Established Since 1943
Feeder Pigs 8:30 a.m. - Misc. 9:00 a.m. - Sheep 9:00 a.m.
Cows at 11:00 a.m. followed by Feeder Calves
SALE FOR SATURDAY – November 9th
SOLD 67 WEIGH SOWS 350 - 450# $50 - $55 450 - 550# $55 - $60 550 - 650# $60 - $63
BOARS - Big Boars - $10 Light Boars - $30 - $50 SOLD 71 BUTCHERS Top $57 Many $55 plus JUNK HOGS 80# - 240# - $45 - $65 This market is on fire. ____________________________ SHEEP Expect 100 - 150 Sheep & Goats of all wts & classes. _________________________ MISCELLANEOUS:HAY & STRAW WILL SELL AT 10:00 a.m. 2012 Kawasaki 750 4-Wheeler w/sprayer and ramps
If you are thinking about having a machinery sale, household sale or land sale....Please give us a call. We would be glad to visit with you. CALVES & YEARLINGSExpect 100 - 200 Cattle Weighing 300# - 1000#
NEXT SPECIAL CALF & YEARLING SALE Thursday, November 14th 11:30 a.m.
Fall & Winter Special Sales Cards have been sent out. If you do not receive one – Call Denison Livestock Auction 712-263-3149 |
COWS ALL COWS SORTED FOR AGE, COLOR & SIZE CALL Friday for latest consignments of Bred Cows & Pairs. Should have 25 - 50 to choose from.
150 - 300 WEIGH COWS, HEIFEREETS, BULLS Sold 187 Weigh Cows & Bulls - Market Lower. Top Cows - $135 - $150 high yielding Heiferetts - $160 - $210 Feeding Cows - $135 - $160 Most Cows - $115 - $125 Old Thin Low Yielding - $75 - $100 BULLS High Yielding - $145 - $160 Other Bulls - $125 - $140 SOLD 23 FAT CATTLE - NO TEST Top Choice - $181 - $185
Got a few fats to sell? Give Saturday a try._________________________________________ SALE DATES CLAIMED:IH Tractors –Parade Ready, Full line of Tools, Lawn & Garden Equipment & Household Items Sunday, Nov . 17th 1:00 p.m. 2445 Road M47 Manilla, IA 51454 Jim and Ferdonna Zimmerman Estate, Sellers Jared Muhlbauer & Pauley Family Auction Services, LLC Auctioneers
131.24 TAXABLE ACRE M/L of PRIME CARROLL COUNTY FARMGROUND in 2 TRACTS To be sold at PUBLIC AUCTION Monday, December 2nd 1:00 p.m. Sale to held at the Halbur Gym, Halbur, IA Leona Riesberg Revocable Trust, Owner
Can’t wait till Tuesday, Nov. 5th is over. Please Vote. It is your duty for all that our Veterans have done for our great country. What is over kill? Sunday in 3 hours I saw the same political ads on both sides 30 times. Give us a break. In Nebraska our educated idiots from D.C. have spent millions and millions to win a seat or job that pays less than $250,000.00 a year. Don’t tell me Big Money doesn’t run this country on both sides. Washington D.C. idiots have no morals. Be safe and let’s see where we go down the road the next 4 yrs.
Our sympathy goes out to the Steve Hansen families. We worked together starting at the Audubon Livestock at 14 yrs. old. Steve then went on to work at the Omaha Stockyards and in the end was a feed nutritionist for many cattle feeders. Rest in Peace – Till we all meet again.
Our sympathy also goes out to the Jason Fineran family – a young life taken way too soon. Rest In Peace.
Barn 712-263-3149 ~ JR Mobile 269-7777 ~ Tom 263-0224
Dave Vanness 265-1189