Saturday Sale Bill
Established Since 1943
Feeder Pigs 8:30 a.m. - Misc. 9:00 a.m. - Sheep 9:00 a.m.
Cows at 11:00 a.m. followed by Feeder Calves
SALE FOR SATURDAY, February 8th, 2025
SOLD 73 WEIGH SOWS - Higher 350 - 450# $58 - $63 450 - 550# $63 - $65 550 - 650# $65 - $68
BOARS - Big Boars - $15 Light Boars - $40 - $60 SOLD 107 BUTCHERS Top $70 Many $65 - $69 JUNK HOGS 80# - 240# - $40 - $70 WOW! ____________________________ SHEEP Expect 100 - 150 Sheep & Goats of all wts & classes.
_________________________ MISCELLANEOUS:HAY & STRAW WILL SELL AT 10:00 a.m.
If you are thinking about having a machinery sale, household sale or land sale....Please give us a call. We would be glad to visit with you. CALVES & YEARLINGSExpect 100 - 200 Cattle Weighing 300# - 1000# 15 Bl Mixed X Calves right off of the Cow 225# - 350# WalnutSee last week’s ad for SPECIAL P.C. WEANED & VACCINATED SALE This Thursday, Feb. 6th 11:30 a.m. Over 2,100 cattle weighing 300# - 1000#
COWS ALL COWS SORTED FOR AGE, COLOR & SIZE Will have 30 - 60 Bred Cows - Pairs Saturday Call Friday for latest consignments of Bred Cows – Pairs. Sold over 75 Pairs and Bred Cows Saturday from young to old.
SPECIAL BRED COW – BRED HF – PAIR SALE Saturday, February 15th 11:00 a.m. See Ad for SPECIAL BRED COW - BRED HF - PAIR SALE
JOHNSON CORNER CATTLE 14th Annual BULL SALE Saturday, March 1, 2025 1:00 p.m. Denison Livestock Auction 9 - Angus Bulls; 2 - Simme Bulls; 1 Angus Herford X Bull Call Brian Johnson 515-570-1245 or Jordan Johnson 515-570-9890
150 - 300 WEIGH COWS, HEIFEREETS, BULLS Sold over 213 Weigh Cows & Bulls Market steady and good. Top Cows - $135 - $150 high yielding Heiferetts - $180 - $220 Feeding Cows - $130 - $145 Most Cows - $115 - $129 Old Thin Low Yielding - $75 - $100 BULLS High Yielding - $155 - $175 Other Bulls - $135 - $153 SOLD 17 FAT CATTLE Top Choice - $200 - $205 Got a few fats to sell? Give Saturday a try._________________________________________ SALE DATES CLAIMED:605.61 TAXABLE ACRES M/L of Harrison and Monona County Farmground to be sold in 5 TRACTS at PUBLIC AUCTION Saturday, March 1st 8:00 a.m. Sale to be held at Denison Livestock Auction 501 North 9th Street, Denison, IA 51442 Lori A. Brummer, Trustee of the Robert B. Brummer Trust, Seller
Barn 712-263-3149 ~ JR Mobile 269-7777 ~ Tom 263-0224
Dave Vanness 265-1189